14 Jan Oral Hygiene Habits for Senior Citizens
Have you ever wondered why so many senior citizens have failing teeth as they age? This is primarily because our teeth age right along with us. However, that does not mean you are destined to a life of tooth loss and broken smiles. If you continue to care for your teeth, they will provide you with a healthy smile for your entire life. To help make this possible, we have some suggestions for you to keep in mind:
– Clean Your Dentures: If you have dentures, be sure to remove them and clean them daily.
– Quit Bad Habits: If you smoke, drink heavy alcohol, or chew tobacco, you are at a much higher risk for gum disease, tooth decay, tooth loss, and cancer.
– Brush Daily: Brush at least twice a day using soft bristles. If manual brushing is too difficult, use an electric toothbrush.
– Avoid Hard Snacks: It’s important to avoid hard snacks that can damage your weakened teeth. Hard snacks include hard lollipops, popcorn kernels, or chewing on ice.
– Make Time for your Dentist: Make sure you visit your dentist as directed for a professional cleaning or oral exam.
– Floss Daily: Floss at least once a day using floss or a dentist-approved flossing tool.
Follow these important guidelines, and your teeth will thank you for a lifetime. If you have not made time for our dentist at Desiree T. Palmer, DMD, PA and Associates, and would like to make an appointment with Dr. Desiree T. Palmer, DMD , please contact us today. We can be reached at 919-471-9106 in Durham, North Carolina. We look forward to helping your preserve your healthy, confident smile!
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